Breadcrumbs is my debut short story collection. Horror, fantasy and fairy tales merge in these 21 tales traversing all manner of times and worlds. Twins escape their kidnapper and seek refuge in a mysterious cave, a homeless crusader hopes to save his friends from the fiendish Bogeyman, a life-changing encounter occurs in a Sri Lankan tuk tuk, and a lonely girl discovers a monster in the woods. Breadcrumbs also features a new adventure starring Denebola and his sky-horse Palladium, set within the world of my fantasy novel The Sheriff. Follow this trail of Breadcrumbs into my imagination to discover stories both dark and wonderful. Thoughts on Breadcrumbs... "The author has a great imagination and an obvious passion and enthusiasm to try new styles and techniques. It works, and I look forward to reading more." "It’s not really breadcrumbs. We’ve got earthy loaves, we’ve got cake crumbs, biscuit crumbs, and the tastiest fragments of all manner of sweet pastries." Breadcrumbs is available for Kindle, Kobo, Apple devices and in paperback. You might also be interested in my second collection Boomsticks and my third collection Belljars. |