This isn't quite up to NaNo standards but it's a vast improvement on every other month in 2016 so far. I now need to keep this pace going. I actually wrote 13,989 of those words in just one week (!) which is even beyond NaNo speed. If every week is like that, this novel will be done in no time.
Without doubt, the Olympics were a huge inspiration. Team GB's epic success made me want to put in the hours and be the best I can be. It also meant my wife was glued to the TV so I could sneak off and write!
After adding this word count to my pre-August word count, I have a total of 40,005 words. Worryingly, the story is just warming up, so this might turn into a George RR Martin beast of a novel. This means I will definitely need to use a smaller font in my printed copy!
In other writing news, the final edits of the Christmas anthology are complete. Festive Treats (recently renamed from Festive Cheer) will be soft-launched in September. Look out for my story.
I am also reading at Books and Beer 3 on Monday 12 September and speaking about self-publishing at Book To The Future with Katharine D'Souza on Thursday 13 October. Hope to see you there!