So, in the next twelve months, I will strive to:
1. Publish Breadcrumbs 2
2. Publish Breadcrumbs 3
3. Publish Nephos 3
4. Enter Room 204
5. Attend a writers' conference
I'm also going to blog less, which controversially goes against the content marketing approach, which we self-published authors depend upon.
However, it has to be said, blogging takes up stacks of time which could be spent writing fiction. Therefore, my monthly writing updates are going to become quarterly and I am dialling back on writing reviews.
I may also read a lot less.
I know all of this is a travesty but Steve Redgrave's famous Olympic strategy boiled down to one question: "Will it make the boat go faster?"
Steve did nothing unless it helped his goal of winning a gold rowing medal. My goal is to publish books, so everything else which is writing-related (blogs, reviews, reading, competitions) can take a backseat until that goal is achieved.
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